ISANS Immigrant Entrepreneurship Awards

October 18, 2022
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Halifax Central Library
5440 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS, B3J 1E9

Contact information:

In celebration of Small Business Week, we are hosting our third annual ISANS Immigrant Entrepreneurship Awards! The goal of this event is to recognize the positive impact immigrant small businesses have made on our prospering Nova Scotian economy.

ISANS will be presenting five different awards, and across all categories, we had over 50 nominations. Here is our finalist list!

New Small Business of the Year (under 2 years in operations)
Kitchen Spot
Essential Recruit
Ata Painting & Wall Design Services
Stronghold Data Center and Security Systems Ltd

Small Business of the Year (more than 2 years in operations)
EurekaTec – 3D Printing & Laser Engraving Services
Starfish Painting
Little Picasso Art Centre
Maritimes Immigration Consulting
Strategy Up

Innovative Business of the Year
Sparrow Acoustics Inc
Shifting Shap3s
Greenii Inc.
Arch Virtual Reality

Women Entrepreneur of the Year
Feathers Brow I Waxing I Hair
H.M. Immigratr
One Frame

Sustainable Business of the Year
Greenii Inc.
Indochine Banh Mi
Shifting Shap3s

At the ceremony, many immigrant businesses will be showcased, and participants will have an opportunity to build their network.

Come out to celebrate everyone with us!