10 Key Decisions for Business Owners

December 13, 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Online MS Teams Meeting
Halifax, NS, B3L 4P1

Contact information:

Suhel Shaikh

This presentation of 10 Key Decisions of Business Owners follows the life cycle of a business and its owner. It explores a range of subjects unique to business owners, from consideration of the best structure for your business, to the development of a succession plan and your transition from the business into a well-planned and well-funded retirement.

Join this session to learn from Morris MacLeod, an Investment Advisor with RBC Dominion Securities. Morris works primarily with business owners and families with intergenerational wealth.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the different business structures available
  • Explore tax-saving strategies and incentives available for different business structures
  • Recognize the importance of employee loyalty for business success
  • Identify potential risks and challenges that businesses may face unexpectedly
  • Develop contingency plans and crisis management strategies
  • Understand the importance of succession planning for the long-term sustainability of a business

To attend this session, you must:

  • Be an ISANS business client
  • Have a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 5+